Coronavirus (COVID-19) update


Updated 23 March 2020

It is with a very heavy heart that we have come to the decision to close the clinic from close of business today, until further notice.

Like many businesses, we have already seen a massive downturn in patient attendance following the outbreak of coronavirus and the restrictions being imposed on us all. The Chancellor’s proposed assistance for small businesses (business rates holiday, grant funding etc) does not currently benefit us in any way because it is restricted to retail, hospitality and leisure. We don’t fall into any of those categories. Keeping the clinic open is therefore not financially viable for us at this time.

We have not as yet been directed by the government to close as they reason clinics such as ours can help take the burden off the NHS. With that in mind, Anthony will continue to provide telephone or online consultations for our existing patients and clients. Tony believes he may be able to provide home visits to provide urgent podiatry treatment for high risk patients, or those in severe pain, for whom delayed treatment could cause more serious issues. This assumes of course that such travel remains permitted by the government.

We are sad and disappointed to have had to take this action and will strive to continue to provide help, advice and assistance in any way that we can until the time comes when we can welcome you all back into the clinic again. Stay safe and well.

Anthony Padgett and all at Sloane Square Clinic