Anthony Padgett

MMACP, MCSP, SRP, Grad Dip Phys
Get In Touch

“I want to run a clinic that treats people in the same way that I want to be treated: by a passionate team that cares and delivers excellent medical service…”

Anthony’s reasons for running the Sloane Square Clinic are genuine and idealistic. He believes that clinical treatment should be free of elitism and pomposity – and his approach backs up this idea… His experience includes eight and a half years in the City of London as an associate, and four years’ work at the National Sports Centre in Crystal Palace. This position requires not only the expertise to treat top athletes from all over the world, but also the authority to lecture to students.

Anthony began in Private Practice in 1989, two years after qualifying and passing postgraduate courses in orthopedic Medicine International (Cyriax Principles). He also passed the membership examination for the Manipulation Association of Chartered Physiotherapists (M.A.C.P.); the latter has Membership of the International Federation of Orthopaedic Manual Therapy (IFOMT).

But of all the areas in which Anthony works, he feels Postural Re-education following a sports injury offers the greatest advancement of his clinical experience. Anthony has designed and produced a simple video to help educate the office worker: officise.